Application Security

In order for any system to be authorized to access FIMMAS information, an application ID must be assigned and paired with a remote host ID. These IDs are managed through the web portal interface application security settings in FIMMAS.

Each application ID and host ID combination defined in FIMMAS must be unique.

The interface allows a FIMMAS administrator to define a status, timeout period, timeout grace period, and a password. Application security tokens can be assigned in two ways:

  • Revolving: The application must periodically provide its ID and password to be assigned a temporary token that is valid for the period specified in the timeout and grace period fields. To set a revolving token, the FIMMAS administrator must assign a password to the application ID that the application would use to authenticate with.
  • Static: The application is manually assigned a token by the FIMMAS administrator that does not expire. To set a static token, set the timeout value to 99 and create an application session record with a specific token value.