
Log Files

Log files are handled differently in Linux and Windows:


On Windows hosts, the FIMMAS Data Services API logs are written to the installation directory. There are three log files that get written:


This file contains an Apache-style log of all incoming requests. The format will be:

<IP Address> - - [<Timestamp>] "<HTTP Method> <Path>" <HTTP Status Code> <Response Size>

If debug mode is enabled, this is also where request/response content will be logged.


This file contains error messages are generated by the FIMMAS Data Services API.


This file contains messages about the Windows service, such as start or stop events.


On Linux hosts, the FIMMAS Data Services API logs are managed by systemd (or whichever service manager you configure). To view the full application log, you can use the journalctl -u <servicename> command.

Debug Mode

Use of debug mode is not recommended for use in production environments because it could log sensitive information, like user passwords, in plain text.

The FIMMAS Data Services API has a debug mode that can be enabled to log more information. The primary thing that debug mode does is it logs the request and response body data for each request. For more information about enabling debug mode, see the FIMMAS Data Services API [installation instructions] (/data-services-api/setup/installation/).