
Extract the Data Services API Archive

The first step of the installation is to extract the FIMMAS Data Services API archive onto the server. The archive is delivered as part of a FIMMAS release. The recommended locations are C:\Program Files on Windows, and /opt on Linux. The naming convention we recommend for the installation directory is FIMMAS Data Services API xxx, where xxx is substituted for the FIMMAS database the API is expected to connect with. This naming convention is not required, but is recommended, and will be used throughout this documentation.

Windows Example:

  • C:\Program Files\FIMMAS Data Services API DEV
  • C:\Program Files\FIMMAS Data Services API MDL
  • C:\Program Files\FIMMAS Data Services API PRD

Linux Example:

  • /opt/fimmas-data-services-api-dev
  • /opt/fimmas-data-services-api-mdl
  • /opt/fimmas-data-services-api-prd
Each API will only connect to one APPX database.

This is an example of what the archive contains for a Windows installation.

extract files

The archive contains the following items:

Windows Linux Description
data-services-api.exe data-services-api The Data Services API executable
config.toml.example config.toml.example An example of the configuration options available for the API A list of the changes by release May contain important information
service.exe A wrapper executable that can be used to host any executable as a Windows service
service.xml Additional configuration settings for service.exe
service.exe.config Additional configuration settings for service.exe
The three service.* components allow the data-services-api.exe to be configured to run as a Windows service. They are not necessary on other operating systems.

Configure the FIMMAS Data Services API

The Configuration settings for the FIMMAS Data Services API are stored in a file called config.toml. This file does not exist for new installations, but an Example configuration file is shipped as config.toml.example. A TOML file is a configuration file format that is easy to read, with various section headings that appear in [brackets]; comment lines are preceeded by # characters.

To create a new configuration file, copy and paste config.toml.example; renaming the file to config.toml.

The setting names are not case sensitive.


There are three sections that need to be reviewed in this file:


Setting Name Type Example Description
port integer 9001 the port you want the API to listen on
debug boolean false, true print extra debug output, like the contents of API requests
sslcert string "cert.crt" The SSL certificate the API will use. If both this and sslkey are set, the API will use HTTPS instead of HTTP.
sslkey string "cert.key" The SSL key the API will use. If both this and sslcert are set, the API will use HTTPS instead of HTTP.
host string "" The ‘host’ header for the Web Portal application security settings
commonpath string \\\\servername\\sharename A shared file path for uploads that the API and FIMMAS can both access


Setting Name Type Example Description
host string "" The host of your FIMMAS server
port integer 8061 The port your data login manager is listening on
username string "apiuser" The FIMMAS user the API will log in as
password string "apipassword" The password for the above user
passwordkey string "0cb5ef84e39fc01b..." If you choose to encrypt your APPX password, this will be used as the decryption key. Must be a 64 character (256 bit) hex string. See the encrypt command for more details.


Not all FIMMAS Data Services API installations are going to include a web portal. If you are using only the API, you still need to set a web portal host and port in your configuration file. This will be changed in a future update, but for now the recommended values are localhost and any port that is not bound.
Setting Name Type Example Description
host string "" The host your web portal is running on
port integer 3009 The system port of your web portal
trustedcert string "cert.pem" A certificate you want the API to trust for connections to the web portal. Useful if you are using a self-signed certificate.
skipverification boolean false Skip SSL certificate verification when connecting to the web portal system portal. Not recommended for use in a production environment.

Configure the Service Settings (Windows)

It may be necessary to append the database name to the service ID. If multiple instances of the API are going to be installed on one server, each service needs to have a different ID. In addition, the name can be used to more easily identify which services are running, and which database each service connects to.

The service ID and name can be changed by updating these values in the service.xml file.

rename service

Create the System Service

Now that the FIMMAS Data Services API files are installed, the system service can be created.


Navigate to the installation directory in an adminstrative command prompt. To create the system service, run this command:

service.exe install

Once the service is created, it can be started with this command, or managed from the Windows service manager:

service.exe start


The FIMMAS Data Services API can be managed with any of the Linux service managers, but the examples here will be focused on systemd and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

This is what a basic systemd unit file would look like, but it will need to be customized to fit your envoironment.

Description=FIMMAS Data Services API XXX



Once you’ve changed the paths and user/group to fit your server, place the systemd unit file in /etc/systemd/system/fimmas-data-services-api-xxx.service. To start and enable the service, run these commands:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start fimmas-data-services-api-xxx
sudo systemctl enable fimmas-data-services-api-xxx